Cinema 4D integration | Misc
Some general directions and known issues:
• If some error is encountered, a log is generated.
• Generally, the merge operation is canceled/stopped by pressing the ESC key. Sometimes Cinema 4D
can’t catch the keyboard input and that’s why a trashcan icon was added to the upright corner
of the viewport. You can click that to cancel/end the operation.
• If the new object is rotated 360° in any of its axis – the rotation is set to 0°. This was done because
it was causing some problems when replacing objects and when fixing the Y/Z axis
• When merging object with the clone function, the material preview is not rendered until you
end the operation. This was done for optimization purposes.
• All texture paths are converted to absolute paths. This is tested for Native, Vray, Corona materials. It was reported that Octane also seems to be working.